Bye Bye! Why I Am No Longer Vegan

If you are wondering if I am still vegan, well the quick answer is no. However, let me explain why I came to this difficult decision. This is not an anti-vegan post. If you know me and have been following me on social media, I absolutely loved being vegan. However, it was no longer something I could continue committing to due to my health.  

When I went vegan over two years ago it was such an amazing journey. I learned about the importance of eating plant-based and adapted a healthy lifestyle. Growing up as a Haitian-American woman, I grew up consuming a lot of meat. Meat is big in my culture. However,  when I went vegan I learned that I can still create some of my favorite traditional cultural dishes and enjoy some of the foods that I loved by making them vegan. 

Bye Bye! Why I Am No Longer Vegan.

When I went vegan the first year, I lost 50 pounds in just a few months. I went from a size 24 to a 16. However, I wasn’t able to maintain the weight loss because I was later introduced to vegan junk food (vegan brownies, cookies, ice cream, burgers, and the list goes on) that my weight started to fluctuate. In addition, I ate more carbs and would snack often because vegan food didn’t always leave me fully satisfied. 

I was advocating for veganism for 2 years. Then suddenly, I began feeling sick to the point that I was getting pains all over my body. I started feeling fatigued, I was weak, bloated, and had a pretty bad health scare that could’ve potentially ended my life. During my health scare, I found out that veganism caused my iron levels to drop dramatically low to the point that I needed a blood transfusion. I refused it and opted for iron pills, but my doctor encouraged me to do a transfusion because I was in bad shape. In addition to that my potassium and vitamin d levels were low. It was like everything was going wrong, and even though my life was in shambles, I still believed in veganism. I was committed to it and didn’t understand how this diet caused me so many health problems now. 

Well, a few weeks ago I started eating fish. It was hard at first, but I physically feel so much better now. I guess you can call me a pescetarian, but I am done with the labeling. I still eat plant-based/meatless most days, but I realize that I actually like fish and most seafood. My iron levels are better, but I am still taking pills for it. 

I love what veganism has taught me.  It instilled in me the importance of cooking my own foods and eating more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, and legumes. Which is something I never really did. I still incorporate plant-based foods daily. However, it is time to close this chapter on veganism, and move on. 

If you are planning to go vegan or still on a vegan journey, make sure you do what’s best for you and research. Good luck!


  1. Akeelah
    August 1, 2019 / 4:22 pm

    Good read, thanks for sharing. I am also vegan and I am currently 2 mths pregnant, my crave for cheese is crazy. Guess what? I ate the cheese a few times and I feel soo guilty every time. I’ve decided not to be too hard on myself and just eat in moderation.

    • ontheqtrain
      August 1, 2019 / 6:43 pm

      Hi Akeelah,

      Girl, have a little cheese and enjoy. Like you said, its all in moderation! =)

  2. Keiairra
    August 2, 2019 / 11:08 am

    Thanks for sharing I enjoyed the read. I def agree with no labels because people try to point out or box you in anytime u eat something non vegan. I have really been considering vegan or pescetarian. I do have a non judgement question do you think it was the less consumption of meat or fish or were you not taking vitamins that caused the iron to drop

    Hope as is well in your recovery 🙏❤️

    • ontheqtrain
      August 5, 2019 / 2:04 am

      Hey Keiairra,

      It was definitely the lack of animal protein in my diet that caused me all these deficiencies. Supplementing wasn’t enough for me, but I sure did feel amazing at first. Please research and do what works for you love =)

  3. Tracey
    August 2, 2019 / 5:56 pm

    Thanks for sharing your story!! The exact same thing happened to me. I was borderline on the verge of a transfusion but thankfully didn’t need it. I had to give up veganism (I was vegan for a year) but my body was completely out of sync after that year. I didn’t lose any weight during that year. But I felt amazing until the last 2 months. Went back to eating meats. But in moderation. I’ve actually lost 78 pounds since being back in meat. 🤷🏽‍♀️ Glad that all is well!!

    • ontheqtrain
      August 5, 2019 / 2:00 am

      Hi Tracey,

      I am so glad you did what was best for YOU! Congrats on the weightloss =)

  4. Taylor
    August 25, 2019 / 9:13 am

    I definitely could understand this. I was only vegetarian but with not eating meat came me having to take Vitamins B C and D plus iron pills. Everything is so low supplements don’t wanna work. Thank you for sharing because i feel like this is one thing many people don’t speak on!

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